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The company believes in The Triple Bottom Line that creates a sustainable business model and we are studying them to make our business model sustainable


Economic perspective by:

  1. Studding very well the macro and micro consideration
  2. Monitoring leading and lagging indicators
  3. Balancing the short and long-term performance
  4. Include all of the above in our strategic plan


Environment perspective by:

  1. Take precautionary measures to protect the environment and reduce resource consumption
  2. Demonstrate more responsibility for the environment
  3. Share knowledge of environmentally friendly technologies
  4. Adopt a good waste management
  5. Implemented environment certificates like ISO 14001
  6. Following the government rules regarding environments
  7. Adopt the company product to be REACH to comply with Europe regulations
  8. Insert the green SCOR model in the company scorecard


Environment perspective by:

  1. In the phase of implementing ISO 26000: 2010 which is a guide for social responsibility
  2. Plan to go for a corporate governance model
  3. Protect human rights, follow labor practices, enforce fair operating practices and allow community involvement
  4. Not support or use child labor
  5. Hire based on a potential employee’s merit and job requirements and not discriminate based on race, religion, gender, etc.
  6. Prohibit any form of corruption like bribery or extortion
  7. Have an eye on the UN global compact and GRI (global reporting initiative )

News & Events

Perfecto Plast Black Masterbatch is the compound of high-quality carbon black pigment, virgin polyethylene, and some other additives. Black Masterbatch is used to make black coloration for plastic...
Perfecto Plast White Masterbatch is the compound of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2), polymer carrier and other additives. The White masterbatch is used for adding opacity or whiteness into plastic products....
UV masterbatches are filled with UV stabilizer. These masterbatches prevent the degradation of plastic products. UV masterbatches are used in products that have to remain in open sunlight for a...
Perfecto Plast color Masterbatch is the compound of high-quality pigment, virgin polyethylene, and some other additives. color Masterbatch is used to make coloration for plastic products. It does...

iso 9001iso 14001

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